Blue November: SGEPP men sensitized to prostate cancer |


On November 25, agents from the Gabonese Storage Company for Petroleum Products (SGEPP) were educated, as part of Blue November, about prostate cancer and other ailments affecting this gland that is part of the man’s reproductive system. They are at least 45 years old, they represent about 35% of the workforce of this company. Hence the interest of this awareness.

Dr Abdou Razack (left) and Christiane Corouge (center) during the awareness campaign. © Gabonreview

The Ministry of Health has launched the Blue November campaign to fight male cancer with free screening for prostate cancer. By joining this initiative, at its first edition in the country, the Gabonese Storage Company for Petroleum Products (SGEPP) organized, on 25 November, an awareness campaign on prostate cancer for its men aged 45 and over. “As it supported its female staff during Pink October, SGEPP is also signing up to support men for Blue November and congratulates the government for taking this initiative.», Declared Christiane Corouge, head of communication and external relations of the SGEPP.

At the SGEPP, he said, the workforce is predominantly male, the issue of male cancers is positioned as a central issue. “Men’s health is really at the heart of our concerns here. The number of 45-year-olds is around 35%. So it is not negligibleHe said, indicating that the idea is to encourage these men to be tested mainly because it is the means to sustainably preserve the health of male personnel. Staff also receptive and satisfied that they were able to discuss the question, obtaining answers to their concerns, the main one of which was knowing what the prostate is in men.

The prostate is specific for men

Sensitized SGEPP staff. © Gabonreview

Dr Safiou Abdou Razack explained that the prostate is a male gland located at the exit of the bladder and surrounding the urethra. Participates in the conception of sperm and is subject to conditions that arise with age. Therefore, it becomes the seat of an anarchic multiplication of cells that can multiply and cause, among other things, discomfort in the urine circulation. In this context we speak of prostate cancer. Due to its proximity to organs such as the rectum, spine or bladder, “these organs can be affected by cancer“. “This cancer can also send metastases to other organs such as the liver, bones, etc. So the cancer will kill because the fact that it goes elsewhere will cause dysfunction of other organsAdded Safiou Abdou Razack.

According to him, prostate diseases affect men aged 45 and over. Hence the targeted awareness of the SGEPP. However, he explained, prostate conditions are inevitable in men because it is part of the evolutionary history of aging. “But it doesn’t always lead to disease. The prostate will increase in size in most men without causing diseaseHe revealed. While 45-year-old men don’t normally have to worry, it’s still one of the most common cancers in men. However, “with the improvement of preventive medicine, men are living longer and longer», Safiou Abdou Razack indicated.

Prostate screening is done by digital rectal examination and blood by PSA measurement, an increase in the level from normal values ​​is a sign of an abnormality in the prostate.

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