January 14, 2019 17: 11 & nbspUTC
| updated:
January 14, 2019 at 17: 15 & nbspUTC
An evening in Paris, with the best cryptocurrencies and blockchain expanding in the business? Yes, it's happening soon. The industry will meet towards the end of this month, January 31 and February 1, for the Blockchain summit in Paris in France.
The Paris Blockchain Summit will witness the congregation of people from the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry; experts, start-ups, investors, law firms and service providers and many other blockchain and crypto enthusiasts, along with government representatives will gather under one roof in the beautiful city of Paris.
A two-day conference with workshops, exhibitions, large sessions and programmatic speeches will be the backdrop to the summit that will allow people to grow their network and interact with the main players in the sector.
Following are some of the topics that will be discussed at the summit:
- Regulation: will the regulation kill or improve the cryptographic resources industry?
- Finance: tokenization is the future of finance?
- Standard: can the standardization of the Blockchain technology lead to the adoption of the sector?
- Democracy: democracy can benefit from the Blockchain technology?
- Bitcoin: What is the future of Bitcoin after 10 years of existence?
- Engineering: what challenges must be addressed with blockchain without authorization to be widely adopted?
You can expect to be aware of some exclusive ads that will be held at this summit.
In addition to this, it offers great opportunities such as learning from a trading workshop that will be conducted by Tone Vays, known all over the world (Bitcoin Trader & Risk analyst with +10 years of experience in Wall street), and a legal workshop to be conducted from an important international law firm.
There will also be a smart contract development seminar to be conducted by Top 10 Blockchain Engineering Crypto4all.
The event is sponsored by Mbaex, which is the largest exchange of cryptographic assets in Southeast Asia and Tozex, which offers a unique gateway for the issue of tokens, quotation and negotiation.
Participants can expect world-class companies and cryptocurrency investors such as IBM, Credits, Dash Embassy, European Parliament, European Blockchain Chamber and Cryptocurrency and central bank governors.
If you want to be close to people in the industry and interact with some of the brightest minds in the game, Paris Blockchain Summit is your place.
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