Black Friday 2020 on Amazon and Co .: are the offers really worth?


Black Friday 2020 is getting closer and closer. Retailers like Amazon, Apple or Saturn lure with luscious discounts, but how do you know if the deals and deals are really worth it?

  • On November 27 the greeting “Black Friday” with full Discounts.
  • But not all of them to offer it is also really a deal.
  • What to look for when Shopping in Amazon, Apple, Saturn and Co. should pay attention.

Offenbach – Soon it will be that moment again: Am November 27, 2020 Attract retailers with fresh offers and juicy discounts. For the eighth time the “Black Friday” in Germany instead of.

First name Black Friday
Date 27.11.2020
origin United States of America

Companies like Amazon, Apple or Saturn with rich business. Some providers have proclaimed an entire “Black Week” or, like Amazon, a “Cyber ​​Week”. Media market even advertises a whole “black November”. Amazon also advertised its many “Black Friday” offers and at the lowest prices since late October. But are the supposed “hot deals” really worth it to customers?

Beware of “Black Friday” – alleged deals on Amazon, Apple and Co.

This question cannot be answered even for the Online trade still for that stationary trade answer so easily with yes or no. It doesn’t just depend on the retailer, but also on that particular one to offer. If products are advertised on Amazon, Apple, Saturn and Co. on “Black Friday” with “Now 70% Less”, customers should listen carefully, but not take advantage of it directly.

Some vendors even have extras “Black Friday” – Destination Pages furnished. If retailers raised their prices before their discount campaign, only to be able to present them as significantly cheaper later on, the “best deals” often no longer hide good deals, but so-called Discount cases.

Bargain hunting on “Black Friday”: Price comparison makes you smarter when it comes to deals

Here it depends on the customer: make yourself smart! Compare the price of the desired product now and follow its development during Black Friday Week *. Compare those too Prices different dealers. The fantastic new TV on Amazon is definitely available from Saturn too. But who offers it cheaper?

  • Tips for “Black Friday”
  • Don’t be blinded by the “best offers” and don’t buy right away.
  • Compare prices and use price search engines.
  • Be realistic about the bargain hunt.

As soon as To confront makes you smarter. If you don’t trust yourself to find the best price, don’t hesitate to check out the price comparison sites as well Price search engines to fall back on. Pages like, or help you recognize which offer is the real deal and which discount is actually more of a flop.

“Black Friday” Lures with Deals: Bargain Hunting Tip on Amazon and Co.

Stick to the Go hunting for offers realistic even on Amazon, Apple, Saturn and Co.! High-tech offers ranging in “Black Friday” suddenly 70 or even 80% cheaper are offered, usually not really good offers. Sometimes the prices were significantly increased before the discount campaign, sometimes countless negative user reviews show that a product is not very well received by customers. Discounts 20 to 30 percent falls within a range you can expect on Black Friday without having to fear a catch.

Bargain Hunt on “Black Friday”: What Customers Should Pay Attention to When Shopping.

© Hayoung Jeon / dpa

So the tip: Don’t buy right away, just because high percentages attract “Black Friday” with “unbeatable offers”. Think carefully about what you really need and start comparing the price right away and see how it works in “Black Friday” week developed. Then nothing stands in the way of a real deal in discount week. (Tobias Möllers) * is part of the national Ippen digital publishing network.

Rubriklistenbild: © Jennifer Weese / dpa

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