Bitcoin thieves hit Cashaa – Infosecurity Magazine


Cybercriminals have compromised a British cryptocurrency exchange, earning over $ 3 million in Bitcoin.

Cashaa stopped all of her cryptocurrency-related transactions after cybercriminals stole more than 336 Bitcoins from her exchange. The company said prima facia users were not affected by the theft.

In a media brief shared with CointelegraphCashaa CEO Kumar Gaurav said: “We are still investigating the damage caused by the accident and are suspending all withdrawals for 24 hours.”

Kumar said the theft occurred after malicious hackers compromised one of the exchange’s digital wallets. Once they got access, the hackers sent the cryptocurrency contained in the wallet to themselves.

Guarav said he has reason to believe that the cybercriminals who hit Cashaa are based in East Delhi, India. Acting on this suspicion, the exchange filed a cybercrime incident report with the Delhi Criminal Bureau in the cryptocurrency crime category.

A meeting of Cashaa’s board of directors has been called to determine whether the company will bear all losses associated with the crime.

Cashaa said he believed that in order to carry out the theft, cybercriminals installed malware on a computer used to make exchange transfers such as user withdrawals. This malware sent a notification to cybercriminals at 13:23 on July 10 when an employee logged into the account and made two transfers from a wallet. It was this wallet that was then illegally compromised and lightened by over 336 Bitcoins.

The company is now taking steps to prevent cybercriminals targeting Cashaa from selling the stolen cryptocurrency on exchanges. On Twitter, Cashaa posted the hacker’s Bitcoin address in hopes of tracking any movement of the illegally acquired funds.

Guarav said Bitcoin thefts are on the rise because some cryptocurrency exchanges have made it easy for cybercriminals to launder stolen funds.

“To date, hackers are very confident that they will hack cryptographic addresses and move them through exchanges that facilitate such recycling through their systems,” Guarav said.

“Exchanges like these must be closed and the owners of these exchanges should be charged with the crime of facilitating money laundering.”

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