Even though bitcoin (BTC) has outperformed several major currencies over the past year, including ethereum (ETH), there are still more BTC holders “in the money”.
This information is provided by the toolset, developed by the blockchain analytics company In the block. Among the top 10 coins by market capitalization, it is available for seven coins: BTC, ETH, tether (USDT), bitcoin cash (BCH), chainlink (LINK), litecoin (LTC) and bitcoin SV (BSV).
One of the first things you may notice in this top 10 in the category over the last year is that three coins outperformed BTC’s 41% increase: LINK with 350%, ETH with 125% and binance coin ( BNB) with 61% (at 10:25 UTC). This list is much longer as we move into the top 20 and top 50 categories.
Of these three BTC-outperformers, as noted above, the blockchain analytics tool is currently available for two of them, and bitcoin has more cash holders than LINK or ETH.
As a reminder, according to Into The Block, holders who have a positive difference between the purchase price and the current price are said to be “in the money”, when there is no difference, the holder is termed “at the money” , and loss-making holders are “out of the money”.
At the time of writing, a whopping 93% of wallet addresses on the network are earning money, according to the tool from Into The Block, which shows these addresses are in green on their legal balance. 4% is in the money and only 3% is at a loss.
65% hold their BTC for more than a year, while 24% hold it between 1 and 12 months. Interestingly, 11% are newcomers, so to speak, who hold the coin for less than a month. 10% of the holders are “large”, ie they own more than 1% of all the coins in circulation.
At the time of writing, the price of BTC was USD 13,117. He appreciated 1% in one day and 14% in a week.

The second largest coin by market cap has 74% of the wallet addresses for making money. Like BTC, 4% is in the money and 22% at a loss.
57% have held ETH for more than a year, 36% from 1 to 12 months and 7% for less than a month. 41% of holders own more than 1% of all coins in circulation.
The price of ETH remained unchanged in one day and increased by 8% in one week to the current price of 407 USD.

LINK is the second currency whose price has significantly outperformed that of BTC. It has a high percentage of owners who are profiting at the moment, 72%, compared to 19% of them who are not.
The vast majority of LINK holders have had the coin in their wallet for less than a year, while the remaining 30% is spread evenly between time periods of more than a year and less than a month. Additionally, LINK has the highest percentage of whales, with 82% defined as large owners.
Its price fell 1.5% in one day and rose more than 12% in one week, reaching the current $ 12.1.

To tie
Moving on to the only stablecoin on this list, we see that a larger percentage of its holders are actually at a loss, according to the tool – 43%. Conversely, 36% is in the money and 21% in the money.
Similarly to the chain, most cable holders, 63% of them, have the coin in their hand for up to a year. The remaining holders are almost equally split between more than a year and less than a month. However, the concentration of whales is relatively higher, with 35% of keepers being “large”.

Bitcoin Cash
Like the bitcoin it forked from and, as we will see, like the bitcoin SV that forked from it, bitcoin cash has a high percentage of holders currently in the green: 85%. Meanwhile, only 13% are on the other side.
Furthermore, 92% have been owners for more than 12 months, while 30% of all owners are “big”.
The current price of BCH is 267 USD. It fell less than 1% in one day and appreciated by more than 8% in one week.

48% of litecoin holders earn at current prices, according to the instrument, but nearly that amount – 45% – is at a loss.
Most keep their LTC for more than a year, accounting for 64% of the total number. Furthermore, 48% are defined as large holders.
LTC is trading at a price of nearly USD 58, after rising 1.5% in one day and 22.3% in a week.

Bitcoin SV
When it comes to the last coin on this list, as many as 94% of wallet addresses are earning money. 2% is in the money and only 4% is at a loss.
90% are said to hold it for more than a year. Furthermore, 28% of the keepers are defined whales.
BSV’s price is USD 180, up 3.3% in one day and nearly 13% in one week.

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