Bird flu: the UK will slaughter more than 10,000 turkeys


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London (AFP)

More than 10,000 turkeys will be slaughtered in the UK due to a bird flu outbreak detected on a farm in North Yorkshire, the government announced on Sunday.

The 10,500 farm animals will be slaughtered to combat the spread of the epidemic, which presents little risk to human public health, and a control zone has been established around the farm.

According to British Chief Veterinary Officer Christine Middlemiss, “immediate measures” were taken on Saturday to prevent the spread of the outbreak as soon as the outbreak was detected.

Several outbreaks were detected in different parts of the UK this month.

Following outbreaks in Russia and Kazakhstan this summer, the epizootic has recently spread to Western Europe, where alert levels have been increased.

The Netherlands, Ireland, Denmark and Belgium are particularly affected by the virus, which is spread by migratory birds.

The disease is not considered dangerous for humans and the consumption of poultry and eggs is not recommended.

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