Bioanalysts propose the protocol for performing antigen tests in multiple laboratories


After the arrival in the country of 340,000 antigen tests, managed by Pan American Organization of Health (PAHO), the Federation of Colleges of Bioanalysts of Venezuela (Fecobiove) presented a proposal for the implementation of these new diagnostic tests for COVID-19 throughout the national territory to optimize the times in which results are obtained.

Through a statement released on Monday, October 26, bioanalysts indicated that the proposal is focused “The expansion of clinical laboratories” for the experimentation of molecular tests such as RTq-PCR (authorized by WHO), e “Implementation of protocols” for the use of rapid antigenic and antibody tests in the presence of the SARS CoV-2 virus.

The Federation It has also made it available to the national executive to provide technical advice and scientific knowledge before the arrival of this new test approved by the World Health Organization (WHO) in all states of the country. “We are always ready to provide advice on what relates to the area of ​​bioanalysis,” the document states.

They demand that the evidence be processed by the guild

The Fecobiove expressed concern about “the flexibility of containment and mitigation measures”, given the “opacity” of announcements and missing records in data issued by the Presidential Commission for the Control and Prevention of COVID-19, as they show a decrease in cases and a “drop” in the curve of the new coronavirus epidemic, without considering the measures announced by the WHO for decision-making.

In this sense, the union requires that diagnostic tests be processed by local professionals in both public and private laboratories for “compliance and guarantee” of the quality of life of patients and to obtain reliable and rapid results.

Likewise, they reiterated that the Commission should be tasked with attacking the “illegal, intrusive and corrupt” practices that have been created by centralization and accessibility in public and private bioanalysis laboratories, after processing the samples “for the COVID-19 disease diagnosis test “.

They continue to fight for their workers’ rights

On the other hand, the union of bioanalysts, together with trade unions, pensioners and pensioners, continues to demand respect for their labor rights and the implementation of social and economic measures that allow the survival of health specialists.

“Despite the difficulties, we are present in the health structures, with symbolic remuneration: hunger and misery; with problems to reach workplaces, lack of money, means of transport, petrol, in addition to not having adequate food, and therefore of the family; Without timely and continuous protection in the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, we continue to provide the service with self-denial and love of neighbor ”.

Read the full statement here

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