Big Data and Artificial Intelligence will be the pillars of the medicine of the future


The day “Algorithms for health“, from Roche Institute Foundation and the Progress and Health Foundation, dealt with the main progress and challenges of the implementation of digital health In our country. The assembled experts highlighted that only through the Big Data y la InArtificial teligencia Large volumes of clinical data can be analyzed that enable advances in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of many diseases.

The digitization of health systems has generated a huge volume of data in recent years, known as Clinical Big Data, which today thanks to new technical technologies of Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning (deep learning) you can analyze and process and then generate valuable information for the prevention, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of many diseases.

geriatricarea big data inteligencia artificial
Big Data and Artificial Intelligence allow the analysis of large volumes of clinical data that allow progress in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of many diseases

He revealed this in this conference organized by Roche Institute Foundation and the Progress and Health Foundation, of the Ministry of Health and Families of the Junta de Andalucía, inaugurated by Isaac Tunis Fiñana, Secretary General for Research, Development and Innovation of the Ministry of Health and Families of the Junta de Andalucía; Joaquín Dopazo, director of the Bioinformatics Area of ​​the Progreso y Salud Foundation; and Federico Plaza, vice president of the Roche Institute Foundation.

As Joaquín Dopazo explained, “the ability to process large volumes of data and find patterns or relationships between variables in which traditional statistical methods e human capacity does not reach“, Is permitting increase the accuracy of diagnoses and treatments, thus accelerating the personalization of medicine.

In all presentations, the latest advances in digital health, a “wildcard term” as noted by Dopazo, who referred to the combination of “the most recent advances in information technology and genomics, with the application of the new possibilities offered by artificial intelligence and Big Data health care; as well as the precision medicine what brings the genomic revolution and new ways of patient care thanks to new technologies such as telemedicine, robotics, portable sanitary devices, etc.. “.

In this virtual meeting, not only the benefits and opportunities offered by digital health for the benefit of the patient, but also the future challenges this will need to be addressed to further expand these possibilities. “The health data is highly protected by data protection law (GDPR)“Dopazo said. “For this reason, it is particularly difficult to extract them from the secure environment provided by the hospital system for analysis in other environments with processing capabilities.“He added.

The alternative to ensure maximum anonymity is “bring the algorithm to the data”, That is, to be able to carry out these studies within the health system itself. However, as revealed in the session, most of today health systems do not have the computing power required for this type of analysis, as its IT equipment is primarily geared towards hospital management and data management activities. “Added to this are further complications due to data fragmentation between centers which prevents a true clinical analysis of big data and real use of clinical data “, concluded Dopazo.

The artificial intelligence and digitization of the National Health System, are keys to promoting personalized precision medicine In our country”, As pointed out by the CEO of Roche Institute Foundation, Consuelo Martín de Dios.

Its inclusion in the framework of new personalized medicine strategy promoted by the Ministry of Science underlines and underlines the need for our country to have the necessary tools to not miss the train of this digital health revolution, guaranteeing the security of patient data and their real use in favor of a more sustainable system and a more efficient and personalized medicine“Said Consuelo Martín de Dios

They too took part in the day Dolores Muñoyerror, Technical Assistant Director of Information Management of the Andalusian Health Service; Marcial Garcia Rojo, director of the UCG of pathological anatomy of the Puerta del Mar University Hospital in Cadiz; Jose Luis Aznarte Mellado, Professor of the Department of Artificial Intelligence of UNED; Y Maria Rodriguez Martinez, from IBM Research Europe, Zurich (Switzerland).

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