Big Brother – The Revolution – Find out who is this week’s saved contestant


Teresa Guilherme revealed in the “diary” to do “Big Brother – The Revolution“this Tuesday, November 24, that Woman is the competitor saved this week, with 32% of the votes (this vote was positive).

During the special broadcast conducted by the presenter, a privilege was also granted to Jessica Fernandes. Head of the house for the second consecutive week, the fado singer was able to talk to her father on the phone for two minutes. One of the points touched upon in the conversation concerns the conflictual relationship between young people Pedro.

“You have to be sweet to everyone, including Pedro. You cannot alter yourself to the point of making mistakes. It’s not you, daughter. Don’t do that, ”her father advised Jessica.

Jéssica Fernandes already thinks of attacking Pedro in “Big Brother”

The relationship between Jéssica Fernandes and Pedro has had better days. And the fado singer doesn’t know how to deal with the presence of the illusionist in the most guarded house in the country. This Monday, the leader of the week at “Big Brother” vented to Renato about her feelings for the flight attendant, speculating in words that she already thinks of attacking her colleague.

“That bastard Pedro is taking me seriously. I want to hit him. (…) I want to break his neck, I want to take his head off ”, he shot Jéssica Fernandes, comforted by her boyfriend. “Don’t be swayed,” the former handball player asked.

The conversation took place in the leader’s room and was shown to viewers in this Tuesday’s broadcast of the program “Ultima Hora”, presented by Maria Botelho Moniz. “I’m so happy. That guy is putting me like this,” complained the fado singer, justifying her words in Pedro’s actions.

Subsequently, the ruler challenged competitors to congratulate more distant colleagues. The illusionist praised the leader and the latter repaid him, claiming to be his “friend”. “I almost never stop being friends with someone. Now, I didn’t recognize Pedro that I had a lot of fun. For me there are two Pedro’s, ”he defended.

And he added: “One is Pedro, who is a very good friend, a nice guy, a sweetheart, whom I adore – that’s why I also said he grew up towards me because of what he did with Renato. [na penúltima gala, Pedro preferiu salvar Renato da nomeação a salvar-se a ele próprio]. I was moved, tears came to my eyes. This to me is a friend. Later he has another Pedro inside him who sometimes gets noticed, I don’t know why, who wants to provoke people, wants to create confusion where they don’t exist and wants to create contempt with everyone. I don’t like this Pedro ”.

Text: Dúlio Silva; Photo: TVI playback

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