Benefits of pomegranate peel on the health of the body, skin and hair


Pomegranate is one of the most important fruits rich in vitamins and nutrients that work to promote the health of the body and protect it from diseases and viruses. It is also advisable not to get rid of pomegranate peel because it contains elements and vitamins that are important for the body and skin, according to the site thehealthsite The benefits of pomegranate peel are:

The benefits of pomegranate peel on body health

1: Prevention of heart disease

Pomegranate peel contains a high percentage of antioxidants, as found in red pomegranate seeds as well as its peel, such as flavonoids. Flavonoids And phenolic compounds Phenolic compounds.

And it helps fight infections and cardiovascular diseases. In addition, pomegranate peel is a source of potassium and magnesium, which are very important for the functioning of the heart and arteries and for the regulation and control of blood pressure..

2: Promotes gut health

Pomegranate peel has anti-inflammatory properties of the digestive system and intestines, facilitates the digestion process and acts in the treatment of parasites and worms in the intestine.

3: treatment of sore throat

Pomegranate peel can help calm sore throat symptoms because it contains a high percentage of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

4: Promote oral and dental health

Pomegranate peel helps in the treatment of oral and dental problems, as it is considered an antiseptic of the mouth and repels germs and bacteria, as it works to treat “gum infections, mouth ulcers, tooth decay”.

5: Promotes bone health

Pomegranate peel promotes muscle and joint health and prevents osteoporosis.

Benefits of pomegranate peel for skin and hair

Pomegranate peel contains a high percentage of properties and vitamins that help promote skin health and treat its most important problems

1: Pomegranate peel is a natural moisturizer for the skin and contains freshness and hydration properties.

2: Works to remove dead skin cells by massaging it into the skin.

3: Works to protect the skin from the harmful rays of the sun and prevent cancer diseases in the skin.

4: Promotes skin health and treats wrinkles and signs of aging.

5: Pomegranate peel has many hair health benefits and helps fight dandruff, relieve inflammation and itching.


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