Because the infidels don’t want the pandemic to end, according to the study


Photo: Pexels.

More than out of necessity, unfaithful men Measures to prevent contagion in the face of the current pandemic have fallen like a glove, as a she studies showed that much of the male population uses mask so that they don’t discover them with theirs lovers.

By Bonita Haro / I am carmine

The unfaithful men They are the most compliant in terms of health standards, not so much for their health, but to protect their identity when they go out with their lovers. They prefer to use mask not to be recognized on the street, and so confessed most of the infidels interviewed for a she studies.

According to the most recent she studies Gleeden, a website aimed at consolidating extramarital encounters, created among the more than 8,500 users of the platform, found that 77% of unfaithful men recognized that the use of mask He fell like a glove, so he can meet hers lover discreetly.

On the other hand, another study conducted by the Vision Research Center of New York University in Toronto confirms the theory of infidels to justify their use of the mask, as the investigation revealed that it greatly hinders the ability to recognize faces and sometimes even makes it impossible to identify them.

The data of she studies found that 57% believe it is much easier to meet theirs today lovers in a public place, thanks to the mask or mask. In fact, 51% confessed they now have the courage to go out with their own lovers close to work, or 32% said they do it close to home, without any fear.

While it may seem hard to believe, 34% of respondents admitted that they strongly want the use requirement mask it lasts until next year, just for continuing their outings with theirs lovers without worrying about being recognized by their wives, or by an acquaintance who might betray them.

So while many people still refuse to use the mask and most importantly to do it correctly, the unfaithful men they are delighted with this measure. Visor we see, we do not know the intentions.

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