Bauer sucht Frau 2020: Till is out


Till’s ex-girlfriend Hanna is flabbergasted

He did it just to get media coverage. Till Adam is accused by many of having participated in “Bauer sucht Frau” not for Denise, but for fame. And yes, Till was a nominee for “Die Bachelorette”, “Love Island” and “Temptation Island”. The suspicion is that he wasn’t really interested in organic farmer Denise, he just wanted to be on TV. For his former colleague Eugen this is a clear case. In the video you can find out what she thinks about Till – there is also a woman who should know: Till’s ex-girlfriend Hanna.

Temptation-Eugen fires sharply

Temptation Island nominee Eugen has known Till since Season 2 and answers that question with a resounding YES! “It’s just for the fame, just to keep the media presence. It has nothing to do with this woman,” she said in an interview with RTL. Even during his time on “Temptation Island” Eugen had strong doubts about Till’s sincerity.

Did Till only play one game of “Bauer sucht Frau”?

Did Till really only play one game? In the video above, his ex-girlfriend Hanna is quite amazed by Till’s participation in “Bauer sucht Frau” – she even contacted her during filming.

In the video: Till makes a farewell announcement to Denise

“Bauer sucht Frau” on TV and on TVNOW


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