Battle of PoS Cryptocurrencies – DASH Vs. PivX


Dash and PIVX are cryptocurrencies focused primarily on privacy and anonymity. In this post, we compare the two popular privacy coins to see which presents a better buying opportunity.


Dash is one of the pioneers in the implementation of the cryptocurrency of the PoS consensus protocol. It is a unique cryptocurrency built on the main features of Bitcoin software. Therefore, Dash does not differ much from Bitcoin : offers a fast, convenient and decentralized way to transfer funds from one person to another.

  dash logo 2018 rgb for screens "width =" 300 "height =" 88 "srcset =" 300w, https: // / dash_logo_2018_rgb_for_screens-768x225.jpg 768w, 1024w, https: // / dash_logo_2018_rgb_for_screens.jpg 1600w "sizes =" (maximum width: 300px) 100vw, 300px "title =" dash logo 2018 rgb for screens "/> </p>
<p>  Source : <u> </u> </p>
<p>  Dash claims to be a P2P decentralized digital currency and flows like real money.Note that Dash is not a real PoS, but its main node works in a system <u> PoS </u>. </p>
<h2><strong>  PIVX </strong></h2>
<p><u/>  PIV X is the abbreviation of Private Instant Verified Transaction. It is a cryptocurrency focused on privacy and a fork of DASH. This event occurred at the beginning of 2016. </p>
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