Bale’s message to Madrid: “It’s good to be where they want me”


Bale continues to show the world that the change of scenery has been good for him. A few days ago, Wales interim manager Robert Page (Ryan Giggs asked for permission not to coach the team this hiatus), already referred to this: “He fell in love with football again.” And now it is Bale himself who makes it clear that he feels better compared to previous courses. A praise to Tottenham, his current team, and in comparison a message for Real Madrid, the owner and who has sold to the London club.

“It’s good to play again, it’s good to be in a place where they love me, I feel loved. I am recovering my fitness and playing again is what makes all footballers happy. I feel like I’m in a good place right now, there is still a lot more to improve And I can’t wait It takes a little getting used to, the body returns to the pace of the game every few days, you get a little stiffer than normal, but the more games I play, the better my body adapts, “said Bale. from Wales, in some statements collected by “Wales Online”.

“It will take some more time, but I am on the right track and I enjoy playing again. I have yet to get a little fitter and sharper, but I’m doing it. It’s been six weeks since I got back. It’s about getting better, it takes a while, especially when you’re a little bit older, but I’m excited to get back into top form. I hope that it won’t be long and that by the summer, before the Eurocup, I’ll be in top form “, explained the Welsh, which seems not to be lacking at all in Madrid.

Bale and Madrid, relationship interrupted

Not surprisingly, in recent seasons the relationship between Bale and Madrid, more precisely with Zidane, had become cloudy seriously. So much so that last season he barely accumulated 1,261 minutes and stood out much more for his controversy (leaving the field before the end of the games, that banner with “Wales. Golf. Madrid. In that order” .. .) than for his game: he barely scored three goals.

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