Bad luck happens to a man: after dengue, malaria and Covid-19, a cobra survives


A British aid worker who survived Covid-19, dengue fever and malaria also survived a cobra bite in the Indian state of Rajasthan, the doctor who treated him said. He was bitten by an Indian cobra and hospitalized in Jodhpur.

Ian “Jones came to see us last week after a snake bite. At first, it was suspected of being positive for Covid-19 as well (for the second time, ed), but it was tested negative for it.“, added the doctor. “While he was with us he was conscious and had symptoms of a snake bite, including blurred vision and difficulty walking, but these are usually transient symptoms.”, He continued.

The Englishman is now out of the hospital. My father “he is a fighter. During his stay in India he already suffered from malaria and dengue, then from Covid-19his son commented in a post on the GoFundMe website created to help him pay his medical bills and his return trip to the Isle of Wight in southern England.

The British humanitarian has created a facility, Sabirian, which works with traditional artisans in Rajasthan and helps them export their production to Britain.

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