Bachelorette 2020 (RTL): Dreamdate scandal! Favorite flies to his feet after breaking a taboo


The Bachelorette 2020 (RTL): Three men fight in the semifinals for the heart of the beautiful Melissa. For a favorite, however, the love journey ends abruptly – because it betrays the bachelorette party.

Santorin / Crete – Now it gets serious – semifinals in “The Bachelorette 2020”! On Wednesday (December 2, 8.15pm) the three candidates will be on RTL Ioannis Amanatidis (30), Leander Sacher (22) and Daniel Häusle (24) on the picturesque island of Santorini which is one of the most sought after Give dreamsto inspire the lady of your heart Melissa on your merits. But obviously also to get closer to the beautiful woman from Stuttgart and to get in touch, after all, the spectacular individual dates were already in the previous ones Seasons of “bachelorette party” not infrequently revolutionary for the future – and thus stay on the show.

Warning, spoiler: But with a pairing, no romantic mood wants to arise. Instead of flirting, warm kisses and an overnight stay on Dream appointment by Bachelorette Melissa with the self-confident Greek macho Ioannis there is a lot of material for discussion, unnecessary provocations and, finally, solid too Breaking of trust, for which Ioannis accepted the bill in many ways soon after. But how could this nasty surprise of the semifinal come about? MANNHEIM24 provides the details.

Telecast Die Bachelorette
Sender RTL television
Episodes 46 (7 Seasons)
First transmission 10. November 2004
occupation Nadine Klein, Gerda Lewis, Arne Jessen

The Bachelorette 2020 (RTL): Ioannis “Janni” Amanatidis – From top favorite to scarecrow

Their future together seemed so bright! Ioannis “Janni” Amanatidis this year he took the lead at home Hen party season started and set an impressive pace. With his funny and cheeky sayings and thanks to his qualities as a deep interlocutor, the 30-year-old Viersener with Greek roots met in the heart week after week Melissa and subsequently brought home one rose after another.

The mix of self-confidence and openness, what his feelings for Bachelorette party Melissa worries, catapulted “Janni” quickly into the ranks of this year’s all-time best favorites Bachelorette-Season. So far he and Melissa have been on the same page, their chemistry can be felt through the screens.

The (logical) consequence: Rosen-Boy Ioannis received the first overnight date of the seventh season and exchanged hot kisses with the bachelorette party Melissa as the first nominee – after one or the other others should follow. But to the surprise of all the spectators comes the really romantic one Dream date in Santorini all very different.

The Bachelorette 2020 (RTL): When the dream date turns into a nightmare – scandal between Ioannis and Melissa

In front of a fantastic background that goes Ioannis is Bachelorette party Melissa to the long-awaited Dream appointment full of romance and flirtation – or so the Stuttgart girl must have imagined in theory. After all, we know the stunning dates of Rosen’s recent seasons. The practice, however, is very different.

Was Melissa With Ioannis lived, is characterized mainly by cold looks, differences of opinion and a bad taboo breaking. Too much for this year Bachelorette, because while the sun is gradually disappearing on the horizon of Santorini, it is not only literally getting darker. The Date of Melissa and Ioannis is becoming increasingly uncomfortable and finally an ordeal for the 25-year-old, who previously made headlines with her flirtation with DSDS juror Pietro Lombardi.

The Bachelorette 2020 (RTL): Ioannis and Melissa’s dream date – jealousy, provocation and breach of trust

It doesn’t take long to realize this Dream appointment between Ioannis and Melissa going in a completely wrong direction. First, the two puff a Vespa across the picturesque Greek island of Santorini. But even then, the 30-year-old wants his lady of heart to be targeted again and again provocative sayings lure from the reserve.

The fact that the Greek macho currently has yet to “share” the woman of his dreams with his competitors Daniel and Leander is suddenly not so sure of himself. Ioannis apparently difficult. That’s why he’s trying to find out how Bachelorette actually stand on the side of the other candidates instead of focusing on yourself and the current date. Melissa obviously I don’t think it’s cool at all, but it can (still) overlook it.

It seems to say more than a thousand words: the dream date between Ioannis and the bachelorette party Melissa backfires.

© RTL Television

And without a doubt: When it comes to grape pressing, it takes Dream appointment accelerate again. Ioannis is Melissa laugh together, have fun and finally enjoy time together. But the harmony doesn’t last long. At the candlelit dinner that will be in the evening Dream appointment from second to second more tense, the former spark between Melissa and Ioannis you look in vain. Even all rescue attempts by the Greeks are useless. The Bachelorette goes a distance. In tears refused he Melissa not just one hugbut also one kiss.

In the next interview, she reveals visibly moved that she felt very uncomfortable and didn’t think she could have this feeling with Ioannis among all people. “I felt very small and cramped again […]. I want to feel good, not uncomfortable“Confess Melissa finally. Ioannis directly suspects that he could have shot himself offside with his behavior.

I tried it the next morning Ioannis At breakfast together again to change things, but then finally we arrive Scandal. When the candidate starts talking about things during the conversation, which Melissa tells him away from the cameras during the night date trusted in their past the bachelorette party finally pulls the lanyard. It feels because of the Breaking a taboo betrayed and finished breakfast.

The Bachelorette 2020 (RTL): After (Alb) dream date – Melissa kicks Ioannis out

I need a woman who can set limits for me“It says on Ioannis’ profile page RTL. It has it inside Melissa surely found, as the following night of the roses shows. After Daniel first received a squad, he entered like this this year Bachelorette-Final ensures, the tension increases more and more. But Ioannis’ hopes are ultimately dashed when Melissa not him, but Leandro gives the second and last rose of the evening.

After the mess Dream appointment pulls Bachelorette party Melissa So the consequence is throw out Ioannis after the semifinals. She justifies the expulsion with the fact that she has come up with an old relationship with the Greek, in which she felt uncomfortable – and the nice woman from Stuttgart no longer wants it. “I don’t think we would do each other any good in the long run“, Draws the resulting 25-year conclusion.

So next week (December 9) from 8:15 pm on RTL it will be decided which of the two finalists of Daniel and Leander will win the heart of the beautiful Bachelorette – or maybe everything will be different? It remains exciting! (rob)

Title list image: © RTL Television

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