
Radically transformed by Alzheimer’s, in just four years

[ad_1] Patricia Gilbert learned she had Alzheimer’s when she was only 47 years old. Little affected by the disease and full of energy, she had agreed to speak to journalist Harold Gagné about this early diagnosis about four years ago. • Read also: Living with Alzheimer’s at age 47 She …

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Canadian producers, supply chain preparing for the distribution of the future COVID-19 vaccine

[ad_1] TORONTO – With a second major pharmaceutical company announcing promising trial results for a potential COVID-19 vaccine, Canadian companies are bracing for the logistical challenges of storing millions of doses in hyper-cold temperatures. Guelph, Ontario-based Danby, a manufacturer of compact appliances such as refrigerators, freezers, microwaves and air conditioners, …

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Geoengineering may not save us from a cloud apocalypse

[ad_1] There are tons of reasons not to rely on sun blocking to cool the planet. But a new paper presents perhaps the best so far: it may not work if we continue to let carbon emissions skyrocket. The findings, published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of …

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Demon’s Souls (PS5) – Review

[ad_1] Demon’s Souls was the game that kicked off one of the biggest revolutions in the world of recent video games, and now this is the big name of PlayStation 5 launch games. It’s still worth playing even after so many changes and evolutions in the genus Soulsborne? A world …

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