
Stock market conditions. Constantly updated | Hong Kong shares opened 133 points higher, Cathay Pacific rose nearly 3%, IBOND opened 103 | Finance | Real-time | 20201117

[ad_1] 9:20 Driven by the news of the new vaccine, Hong Kong shares opened 133 points higher this morning to 26515 points; the H index opened 19 points higher at 10597 points. IBOND (4239) went public this morning, opening 103. The funds were re-invested in old economic stocks, HSBC (005) …

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More promising vaccine news pushes Disney stocks up again

[ad_1] This is the second consecutive Monday that we have woken up to positive news regarding a potential COVID-19 vaccine. This week it was from pharmaceutical company Moderna that announced that early data shows their vaccine is 93% effective. This followed last Monday’s news from Pfizer that their vaccine had …

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Canada allocates $ 1.1 million to combat COVID-19 disinformation

[ad_1] Ottawa [Canada]November 17 (ANI / Sputnik): Canada is contributing $ 1.15 million to the fight against disinformation on the COVID-19 pandemic, Global Affairs Canada said in a statement concluding the Global Conference on Media Freedom. “[Foreign Minister Francois-Philippe] Champagne … announced $ 1.5 million [USD 1.15 million USD] for …

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