
From Roomba With Love: Could your robot vacuum be spying on you?

[ad_1] A team of researchers has shown that popular home robotic vacuum cleaners can be remotely hacked to act as microphones. This was achieved by manipulating the light-sensing technology used by the cleaners. The researchers – including Nirupam Roy, an assistant professor in the University of Maryland Department of Computer …

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Lung cancers detected early following pioneering studies

[ad_1] © iStock / Mohammed Haneefa Nizamudeen A lung cancer study, aimed at detecting the disease in patients at higher risk before they show symptoms, identified dozens of cases early. The Leeds Lung Health Check, involving 73 clinics, has examined 5,600 people since its launch in November 2018. These screenings …

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Dueling dinosaur fossils donated to the North Carolina museum

[ad_1] The fossilized skeletons of two dinosaurs intertwined in what appears to be a final deadly encounter were donated to a North Carolina museum. The skeletons will be donated to the Raleigh Museum’s vertebrate paleontology collection. Tyrannosaurus rex and Triceratops horridus known as the dueling dinosaurs were buried together 67 …

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The mineral found in a Russian volcano is never seen before.

[ad_1] Although a volcano is generally regarded by us as a source of destruction, this fiery phenomenon also leads to creation. Russian researchers in their new study stumbled upon one of these creations: a mysterious mineral that had never been seen before. It is a very attractive and vibrant bluish …

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Black Friday on ENTER: ruthless with prices

[ad_1] Especially for you, Enter has prepared absolutely hot prices for the following product categories: laptops and TVs – 15%, computers – 12%, tablets – 20%, smartphones – 25%, gadgets – 30%, household appliances – 20%, equipment kitchen appliances – 40%, kitchen appliances – 25%, personal care devices – 30% …

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Frenchman Iron Man dies in a training accident at 36

[ad_1] The Jetman Dubai team athlete has become famous for his jetpack stunts. Frenchman Vince Reffet, who was part of the Jetman Dubai team and famous for his jetpack stunts, was killed in a training accident, according to a statement. “It is with unimaginable sadness that we announce the passing …

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