
The Arecibo telescope will be dismantled

[ad_1] Engineers fear that other cables may also break at any time, making any repair attempt excessively dangerous. The telescope is one of the largest in the world and has been a key instrument for many astronomical discoveries. The foundation “prioritizes the safety of workers, Arecibo Observatory staff and visitors, …

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Tigres del Licey has new coronavirus cases in the Pelota Invernal

[ad_1] The LIcey Tigers registered five new cases of coronavirus through the daily examinations performed by the doctors in charge of LIDOM-Winter Ball. According to sources, about five Players of the Tigres of the Licey including Sandy León, Wellington Castillo and Carlos Franco, who tested positive for coronavirus in the …

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COVID-19: WHO opposes the use of remdesivir | COVID-19 | News | The sun

[ad_1] “The antiviral drug remdesivir is not recommended for hospitalized patients with COVID-19, regardless of the severity of their disease, as there is currently no evidence that it improves survival or avoids being placed on artificial ventilation,” according to a statement from the ‘WHO (World Health Organization). He decided after …

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