
CHOP researchers reverse severe lymphatic disorder in patients with Noonan syndrome by targeting the genetic pathway

[ad_1] PHILADELPHIA, November 20, 2020 / PRNewswire / – Researchers at Children’s Hospital in Philadelphia (CHOP) resolved a severe lymphatic disorder in a girl with Noonan syndrome that resulted in upper gastrointestinal bleeding, fluid collection around her lungs, and numerous surgeries that failed to resolve her symptoms. By identifying a …

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Russian doctor: Coffee can sometimes threaten human health

[ad_1] publication date:20.11.2020 | 06:00 GMT | Health Sputnik Livan Lavrobrely Archive photo Follow RT on In an interview with Russian radio “Sputnik”, Russian dietician and endocrinologist Alexei Kalinitshev spoke of the risks that coffee can sometimes pose to human health. The doctor said drinking a cup of the traditional …

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Scientists created room temperature diamonds in minutes

[ad_1] A team of scientists, including from Australian National University (ANU) and RMIT University, created two types of diamonds in a room-temperature laboratory in minutes. Those two types of diamonds: the type found on an engagement ring and a different type of diamond called Lonsdaleite, which occurs naturally at the …

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