
1709 crown cases and 16 deaths

[ad_1] The Ministry of Public Health announced the registration of 1709 new infections with the new Corona virus in the past 24 hours and 16 new deaths, indicating that the Turkish number of infections since the start of the virus outbreak has reached 113614 and the total deaths are 884. …

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Manitoba promotes safe local shopping amid new restrictions

[ad_1] WINNIPEG – The Manitoba government has launched a new digital campaign to encourage safe local shopping amid new public health orders. Finance Minister Scott Fielding and Minister of Economic Development and Education Ralph Eichler made the announcement on Friday, noting that the campaign came as a recommendation from the …

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at least 5,000,000 cancer diagnoses not made since March

[ad_1] Published Friday, November 20, 2020 4:10 PM Through Sudinfo with Belgian At least 5,000 cases of cancer have gone under the radar since the outbreak of the coronavirus outbreak in Belgium, which forced the country’s health services to reorganize since March, reported Friday by the Cancer Foundation. The trend …

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Scientists identify traits that could make someone a coronavirus super-diffuser

[ad_1] Using computer-generated models, scientists simulated sneezing in different types of people and identified biological characteristics that could make a person super spread of viruses such as the new coronavirus that causes Covid-19. The study, published in the journal Physics of Fluids, determined associations between people’s physiological characteristics and the …

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