
The community of Wemotaci hard hit by Covid-19

[ad_1] Facebook photo of the Atikamekw Council of Wemotaci The Wemotaci Atikamekw Council confirms that there are currently 6 active cases of Covid-19 in the community. “All those affected are currently in safe isolation” quotes a press release to the population stating that the Health Center is monitoring these people. …

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A stochastic equation for modeling population growth in cities

[ad_1] Credit: Pixabay / CC0 Public Domain A team of researchers from Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, CEA, developed a stochastic equation to model population growth in cities. In their article published in the journal Nature, the group describes the creation of its own equation to account for “intercity migratory shocks” on …

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Discover the benefits of black soap

[ad_1] Black soap is a multipurpose product, it can be used as a detergent, bleach, insecticide or degreaser. Biodegradable and economical product, its benefits are sought after, from home to garden, including cosmetics. You will also be interested [EN VIDÉO] Kézako: how does soap get rid of dirt? Indispensable in …

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Teams for personal use now available on the web and desktop

[ad_1] Over time. It’s been 5 months since Microsoft released the version of Teams for family and friends (originally known as “Teams for Life”) on iOS and Android devices. It is not a different application, but an extra option within the applications we already know. Now, Microsoft Teams for personal …

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