
The microscope uses a combination of hardware-based and software-based adaptive optics to reconstruct the object image: ScienceDaily

[ad_1] Non-invasive microscopic techniques such as optical coherence microscopy and two-photon microscopy are commonly used for in vivo imaging of living tissues. When light passes through turbid materials such as biological tissues, two types of light are generated: ballistic photons and multiplied scattered photons. Ballistic photons travel directly through the …

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It is not abnormal for a baby not to sleep at 6 months

[ad_1] THE ESSENTIAL Sleeping young children should be viewed as a process rather than a step Sleep patterns vary greatly from child to child, but also from night to night for the same child The baby’s sleep is often a cause for concern for parents. Swinging him can help him …

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Chilean women got pregnant from taking the wrong pill

[ad_1] According to the Chilean Institute of Public Health, many Anulette CDs have already been withdrawn from the market; The pills will continue to be sold without problems, as authorities believe that the error in the labeling of the package has already been resolved. The Actualidad RT portal, for its …

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