
a health risk for two thirds of adolescents

[ad_1] The extension of time spent in front of the screens and without physical activity poses health risks for two thirds of young people in France today, ANSES is alarmed in an opinion released on Monday, from the data collected even before confinement. Among these dangers there are overweight and …

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SpaceX ready for launch with the international oceanography satellite – Spaceflight Now

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[ad_1] If you’d like to see more articles like this, please support our space program coverage by becoming a Spaceflight Now Member. If everyone who enjoys our website helps fund it, we can further expand and improve our reach. Live coverage of the countdown and launch of a SpaceX Falcon …

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dangerous cocktail for two thirds of teenagers

[ad_1] The extension of time spent in front of screens and without physical activity poses health risks to two thirds of young people in France today, the National Food Safety Agency (ANSES) warned in an opinion issued on Monday, based on the data collected. even before childbirth. Among these dangers …

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