
New solar panels that do not need sunlight

[ad_1] The arrival of solar panels made a big difference in what was clean, renewable energy at the time. This is because, although it is not yet used for its intended purpose today, it has been one of the methods found to produce more sustainable energy. However, it has a …

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Diego Maradona dies: “Napoli can’t sleep today”

[ad_1] In Naples Diego Maradona is revered as a god almost 30 years after his last match. The inhabitants of the city mourn their great football hero. 1 / 15 Diego Armando Maradona was born on 30 October 1960, the fifth of eight children. The family lives in the poor …

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Biomineral armor: shield leafcutter ants in battle?

[ad_1] A popular leaf-cutter ant grows organic armor with biominerals – a shield-like power previously unknown to students of the insect world, according to a recent study published in the journal Nature Communications. This previously unknown advantage makes leaf cutter ants virtually invincible against other rival ant species. RELATED: 11 …

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What happened to the alliance between Apple and Intel? | video

[ad_1] For many years, Mac laptops and desktops have had Intel microprocessors. But since their last introduction, computers have been equipped with Silicon, the Apple chip that will power the next generation of Macs. What happened to the alliance between Apple and Intel? Xavier Serbiá asked Carlos Parra, a clinical …

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