
How long does it take to get to Mars?

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[ad_1] ELON Musk aims to ferry one million people to Mars by 2050. The SpaceX CEO recently revealed that he predicts humans live in the planet’s glass domes, but many people are still wondering how long it would take to get there and is Mars also fit for life? How …

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Earth’s atmosphere was once as toxic as Venus, researchers say, after fusing floating marbles with lasers for study – RT World News

[ad_1] Our planet’s primeval atmosphere was as toxic as that of present-day Venus, as gases escaped from an ocean of magma during the development of the Earth, scientists discovered after fusing suspended marbles with lasers for their research. According to the scientists, a Mars-sized object likely crashed into young Earth …

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wake filtered and live

[ad_1] This Thursday the first and only photo of Diego Maradona was revealed inside the coffin. The image generated hatred, repudiation and rejection of the Argentines towards the man who took it. The author, as recognized on social media, is Diego Molina, one of the workers in the wake room …

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