
Less is more … and more is coming

[ad_2][ad_1] On June 19, 2020, Ethereum raised the gas limit by 25% from 10 million to 12.5 million. In no less than two days, this new capacity was exhausted, returning block usage to 100%. This cat and mouse game between a higher gas limit and increased usage has occurred the …

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Undertaker takes a picture with Maradona’s body

[ad_1] Twitter 1/7 A funeral director poses with the body of Diego Maradona. Twitter 2/7 The images cause outrage on social media. AFP 3/7 Matias Morla, Maradona’s lawyer, has already reacted to the disgusting action. 7/7 They want to say goodbye to their hero. They are photos without respect …

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The investor structure of the A-share market continued to be optimized throughout the year, supervisors repeatedly expressed “introduction” of medium and long-term funds into the market

[ad_1] Summary [La struttura degli investitori nel mercato delle azioni A ha continuato a essere ottimizzata durante l’anno. Le autorità di regolamentazione hanno ripetutamente espresso la loro “introduzione” di fondi a medio e lungo termine nel mercato]Actively driving long-term funds into the market is an important task in fully deepening …

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Proceedings against former coup leaders in Bolivia | news

[ad_1] The change of government in Bolivia, with the inauguration of Luis Arce, which ended the de facto regime of Jeanine Áñez, opened the chapter of the flight of several former ministers and former officials, some of them with open judicial investigations. READ ALSO: They arrest a general linked to …

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They reveal the millionaire salaries of Formula 1 drivers

[ad_1] Unsurprisingly, Lewis Hamilton, the best F1 driver, tops the earnings chart. French publication Business Book GP revealed the millionaire salaries of all Formula 1 drivers. The outlet monitors the sport’s finances annually and in detail. No surprise Lewis Hamilton, the best driver in Formula 1, is also at the …

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Come to Leo Messi more in than out of FC Barce …

[ad_1] The resignation en bloc of Josep Maria Bartomeu and its board of directors served to anticipate the upcoming presidential elections FC Barcelona, but the big problem of the club continues to be economic, taking on a major obstacle for the next board of directors to take care of the …

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