Atrial fibrillation is a 21st century epidemic that primarily affects the elderly! It is not enough to take your pulse regularly to detect it. This way you will measure your heart rate the right way


Atrial fibrillation has been seen in more than 20% of patients who have suffered a stroke. Regular heart rate measurements and detection of irregular heartbeats can help patients detect disease in time.


Atrial fibrillation it is one of the most serious risk factors stroke, which affects up to 11,000 people per year in Slovakia.

In more than 20% of them, the cause of the stroke was atrial fibrillation. This disease is well treatable today, However, Slovaks do not know the symptoms and are not treated.

This is also the reason why the Slovak Association of Cardiac Arrhythmias (SASA) and the patient organization Sekunda pre život continuation of the information campaign Know the pulse before defeat, this time with the name #NajkrajsieGesto.

Through the campaign, they want to draw attention to the importance of prevention, which is above all regularly measuring pulse in the wrist or neck.

Atrial fibrillation is a 21st century epidemic that primarily affects the elderly. This disease is well treatable, both with drugs and with invasive techniques. It is important for the patient to recognize the symptoms and consult a doctor in time. Also in this case, prevention is essential. People over the age of 65 should regularly measure their heart rate. The #NakkrajsieGesto campaign directly encourages them to do so“Says Prof. MUDr. Robert Hatala, PhD., President of the Slovak Association of Cardiac Arrhythmias and Head of the Department of Arrhythmias and Cardiac Stimulation NÚSCH, as in Bratislava.

He suffers from this disease in Slovakia more than 120 thousand patients.

In Slovakia, the number of people diagnosed with atrial fibrillation is growing, not only in the over 65 age group. Early diagnosis of the disease and adequate treatment can protect patients from stroke. Sometimes it is enough to regularly measure the pulse with the fingers of one hand on the wrist or neck, “Stresses MUDr. Peter Hlivák, PhD., President of the Slovak Society of Cardiology and Deputy Head of the Department of Arrhythmias and Cardiac Stimulation NÚSCH, as in Bratislava.

#The MostGest campaign

Raise public awareness of atrial fibrillation to motivate seniors to check their heart rate regularly, today the Slovak Cardiac Arrhythmias Association (SASA) and the patient organization Sekunda pre život have launched the #NajkrajsieGesto information campaign, which is a continuation of the Know the Pulse before Defeat activity.

At the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, we, as a society, have become more sensitive and focused on helping and protecting the most vulnerable: our elderly. And through a nice gesture. Whether it is a help with the purchase, to walk the dog or to collect medicines at the pharmacy. However, there is another gesture that we should show our grandparents. Two finger gesture. With just two fingers they can check their pulse regularly”Says Richard Fides of the Second Life Association, which brings together stroke patients and patients with atrial fibrillation.

It is young people as ambassadors who should speak to their parents and grandparents about atrial fibrillation and the need to measure heart rate regularly.

The goal is to teach Slovaks, especially the elderly, to regularly check the pulse that it should be in the range of 50-100 strokes per minute. An irregular pulse can indicate that the heart is not functioning properly.

More information on the Know the Pulse campaign before the #NostestGest defeat can be found at

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