LAS VEGAS – (FILO D & # 39; BUSINESS) – In mid-August 2015, the national currency of Aton
new revolutionary cryptocurrency, the Aten "Black Gold" coin and its
patent pending digital wallets will be available. Cooperation
agreements have been concluded with government entities in the European Union
in NAC adding additional features to Aten's "Black Gold" coin
meet their requirements. All new features required, as well as beta
the tests will be completed before the new launch date.
The Aten "Black Gold" coin can be purchased through collaboration
between AtenPay, SA and ANXPro, one of the most revered in the online world
trading platforms The Aten "Black Gold" coin will be available throughout
fiat currencies included, USD, EUR, HKD, AUD, CAD, JPY, SGD, GBP, NZD
and CHF. NAC clients will have exclusive access to the simple ANXPRO functions
user-friendly user interface, consolidated shared book order for blended
multicurrency regulation, FX prices in real time, and deposit options
risk management and trading instruments.The new digital portfolios of NAC are patented (pending registration) in the EU and protected by copyright
(pending) in the United States. The inventor Marcus Andrade (founder of the NAC) is a lot
enthusiastic about this new development. The digital wallet will make the
transfer and storage of Aten's "Black Gold" currency even more secure and
convenient for customers, who can access their accounts on a desktop
computer and very soon via smartphone and tablet. NAC will be able to
quickly verify the wallet and its user through a pseudonym system.
All transactions are monitored through an extremely rigorous procedure
authentication protocolUnlike Bitcoin, whose portfolios identify illegal activities in the institutions
level, but not up to an individual, the NAC portfolio will provide
complete transparency of users through a unique multi-signature
authentication system."Nothing in the current electronic currencies market comes close to ours
patented digital portfolios, "said Andrade." We have created such a unique product
produced here; encryption levels are highly controlled, secure,
anti-theft, product that is very easy to use from anywhere in the world
world, "he said.Unique features of the Aten "Black Gold" coin
- Compliance: The National Aten Coin Foundation is a member of the service
of the American Bank Association (ABA) and complying with the
following agencies: Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Counter-financing of
Terrorism (CFT), Anti-fraud and Financial Crimes (AFF), Office of
Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), Bank Secrecy Act (BSA), USA PATRIOT Act
and the FACT law.- AML and KYC: Aten Coin is the first cryptocurrency that it is
designed to meet AML and Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements.- Theft-resistant: Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are
susceptible to theft by hackers, who are not identifiable. However,
Aten Coin is the first cryptocurrency that allows the tracking of the real
identity in case the theft occurs. This makes Aten Coin
theft-resistant.- Non-volatile value and liquidity: The volatile value is one of
the key problems of Bitcoin and many other cryptocurrencies. In view of
this, the partner company of NAC, BGC International, Inc., is creating a
constant demand of Aten Coins through the joint venture with oil and gas
production company for investments in the oil and gas sector. Over 50% of the
investment profits will be paid in Aten Coin to create a continuous
application of Aten Coin and maintain a stable value of Aten Coin.- Fast: Aten Coin's transaction is 9.4 times faster than Bitcoin.
- Sure: Aten Coin is a highly secure cryptocurrency that it uses
multiple rounds of 11 different cryptographic hashts, making it so
one of the most secure and sophisticated modern cryptocurrencies. In
contrast, Bitcoin uses only a single round of double SHA-256 hashes.- usability: Shops can easily accept the Aten Coin payment using
our AtenPay services. In the near future, people will be able to use
the Aten coin to buy things in real life, e.g. a cup of coffee,
online games, meat, oil, etc.Aten "Black Gold" coins promotion division and AtenPay payment
platformBGC International Inc. (BGCI) is a "Black Gold" Aten coin promotion
company. The main objective of BGCI is to promote the use of Aten Coin worldwide. BGCI
invests in various initiatives such as oil and gas production projects
while requiring that the profits be returned to BGCI in Aten Coins. This
helps to perpetuate the Aten coin market.BGCI collaborates with SWC Law Group in Warsaw, Poland, to create AtenPay
payment platform. AtenPay provides a user-friendly one-stop solution for
people to acquire Aten Coins and for the commercial companies to be received
payment in Aten coins. For more information, visit: www.AtenPay.com.Information on National Aten Coin and Aten "Black Gold" Coin
Based in Las Vegas, Nevada, National Aten Coin (NAC) is the
creator of the Aten coin "Black Gold", a cryptocurrency (a form of
electronic money) and its global payment transaction network. While
maintaining customer privacy, the NAC uses properties
techniques to verify ownership of coin holders, protect and monitor
transactions, tracking and tracking identities of senders and recipients, to keep
conservation efforts of transparent records, protect coins from theft, maintain
liquidity and stabilize the value of cryptocurrency. The Aten "Black
The gold coin complies with: Anti-Money Laundering (AML), Counter
Terrorist financing (CFT), anti-fraud and financial crimes (AFF),
Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), an act of reporting abuse against the elderly
(EARA), Bank Secrecy Act (BSA), USA PATRIOT Act and FACT Act.For more information, visit: http://AtenCoin.com.
About ANX
Founded in June 2013, ANX has become one of the most used bitcoins
exchange platform all over the world. According to the graphs of Bitcoin, ANX is the sixth
the biggest Bitcoin exchange in the world by volume. ANX is a pioneer and
leader in the cryptocurrency sector. The results of ANX up to today
include the introduction of the world's first Bitcoin physical retail store, the
The first Bitcoin debit card in the world, the first multiple currency in the world
Bitcoin exchange platforms online (ANXPRO.COM & ANXBTC.COM), the world
The third Bitcoin ATM machine and an ANX Vault mobile app complete
crypto currencies. ANX has recently acquired the Norwegian bitcoin
exchange USTCOIN.COM to expand into the European market. ANX was one of
the first companies specialized in cryptocurrencies to be issued with a
The MSO (Money Services Operator) license is proud of it
transparency and regulatory compliance. The founding members have
financial markets, management consulting, banking technology e
compliance backgrounds.For more information, visit: http://www.anxintl.com