Aruni confirmed for Rainbow Six Siege


Ubisoft today announced another operator for the successful tactical shooter “Rainbow Six Siege”.

Aruni, a defender, is the new operator of Rainbow Six Siege, which will be released as part of Operation Neon Dawn. A first teaser trailer can be seen, but the real reveal won’t happen until November 8, 2020.

The official site says: “I have known Apha ‘Aruni’ Tawanroong for years. When we met she was working as a detective for the Royal Thai Police. At first I thought she didn’t like me, but she was just trying to evaluate me. She’s really smart, she always thinks. to something and she makes connections that are not obvious to others. That’s why she was such a good detective. We worked together in Bangkok but most of the details of this operation are still under lock and key. She was injured pretty badly … I thought that we had lost it. “

He adds: “I would love to work with Aruni again. Your role in Nighthaven probably won’t allow for many official touchpoints, but it’s a valuable addition to the program. It also has a clever technical device that slows down opponents and limits their range of motion. Inventional, we are in different teams, but once the games are over we may have some time to remember. The fact is that Aruni does not dwell on the past: he focuses on the future, looking forward to making the world a safe place. . I wish more of us would share their dedication to this philosophy. “

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