Artist Fayeq Azab is exposed to a health problem and is in intensive care


Film critic Magdy El-Tayeb revealed that the great artist, Fayek Azab, had a disease called “Mersa”, and wrote on his Facebook account, saying: “They live among us, they don’t ignore their history and remember what we gave Fayeq Azab Al-Jamil while I was in the “nursing” room, where I lie in a hospital. Agouza, one of the government isolation hospitals for those infected with the “Corona” virus, I was surprised that the skilled artist, Fayek Azab, was within walking distance of me, and wondering if he was infected with Corona, I learned, with a surprise that I had never thought of, that he had a disease called “Marsa”.

And he continued: “And by investigating this strange disease, I learned that it is a type of germ that does not respond to antibiotic treatment, and with the advancement of medicine certain types of antibiotics have been tried that help in its treatment, a disease which spread in 2007, and claimed the lives of 11,000 people, and led to the closure of some schools and the reduction of gatherings, in a way that is close to what the world is witnessing in the light of the Corona pandemic.

He added: “Often, bacterial infection with Marsa disease is transmitted when people enter hospital or various treatment units, such as dialysis centers or heart units, with regards to the symptoms of the disease; Among them: infection on the surface of the skin, accompanied by severe pain, swelling, redness and filled with pus and accompanied by an increase in body temperature. This bacterium on the skin can turn into an abscess and must be treated surgically, otherwise the person is exposed to dangers and causes heart and lung problems due to pus accumulation in the body.

He continued: “As for the complications of infection, they are: the occurrence of problems in the blood flow .. the occurrence of many health problems on the lung .. weakness in the heart .. the occurrence of bone and joint problems .. As for infection prevention methods, it is done: placing injured persons With the disease in quarantine, in order to avoid infecting others or spreading the infection .. wear protective clothing .. wash hands thoroughly with water and soap .. sterilize contaminated surfaces .. wash clothes when dealing with an infected person .. and as you can see, the methods to prevent Marsa disease are almost the same as the Ways to prevent coronavirus disease “Corona”, may God heal you and heal you, our almighty artist.

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