Artificial intelligence has solved a problem that cannot be solved by human power


Developed by Google’s umbrella company Alphabet, artificial intelligence called DeepMind has brought its healthcare capabilities to the surface. Thanks to the 3D models created for the structure of proteins with DeepMind, a solution has been found to the problem of proteins that biologists have been discovering for about 50 years and which takes a long time to solve.

We have gotten used to the fact that artificial intelligence takes place in our daily life. In fact, a lot of software we can call artificial intelligence runs in the background even when you are searching on Google, checking your stories on Instagram or looking at the feeds in the feed. However, there are also artificial intelligences that have more complicated structures, process data in different fields and develop models with respect to these software.

Which Google is affiliated with Alphabet is the most important work field of the named company DeepMind an artificial intelligence project called. DeepMind, whose expertise we have seen in several fields to date, has also demonstrated its capabilities in the field of health research.

It is entrusted to DeepMind to understand the origin of diseases by analyzing the three-dimensional shapes of proteins:


Scientists focus on proteins to address the root causes of disease. In this way, they try to understand which diseases cause their protein structures. Therefore, they can develop drugs to correct the structural disorders that cause the disease. However, this process sometimes takes years and the technological facilities required are extremely expensive. Therefore, advanced research cannot be conducted everywhere to understand proteins. Here is perhaps the most complicated of these studies. “To understand proteins” DeepMind can now be used in step.

Discovered 50 years ago, DeepMind solved an almost impossible human computational problem:

Scientists since the early 1970s “Protein folding” They are looking for an answer to a problem called. According to the researchers, the number of 3D models that need to be made to understand this problem is so great that it is that the universe will last longer than its age (13.7 billion years) indicate.

Developed in 2018 to assist DeepMind’s protein research AlphaFold named instrument, approx A database of 170 thousand protein structures trained with. With a score of 92.4% in scientific tests of protein structures, AlphaFold was able to present the clearest data on the problem of “folding” in proteins that function incorrectly and whose structures cannot be discovered.

deep mind proteins
Protein models created by AlphaFold.

To sum it up without getting bogged down in scientific details, AlphaFold has managed to solve the problem that has been trying to solve for 50 years with the human power in protein research. With this success, AlphaFold especially the epidemic of today Covid-19 It can allow us to quickly understand the defective proteins that cause many outbreaks and to develop new treatment methods.

If you need more detailed information on protein research in which AlphaFold plays a role, you can find the study here.


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