Armando is from Tlaxcala; works with traditional medicine in New York


New York. Armando Cuatianquiz was born in Tlaxcala, was born in the municipality of San Francisco Tetlanohcan. He has lived in New York for 21 years. He is a businessman; has a florist and a holistic shop. At the same time, he is a life coach and a healer.

Although as a young man he did not accept his Tlaxcala roots because he was influenced by the context in which he developed; Over the years, in search of a meaning for his life, Armando has linked himself to the land and its origins through traditional medicine.

“I approached him out of necessity. After looking for meaning in life, having lived a troubled life, with troubled relationships, focused entirely on alcohol. Especially here (United States) you arrive in a place where perspective is a lot of freedom, you have everything, apparently you don’t need anything “.

Since 2006 he has started his studies in human transformation and traditional medicine. Something that qualifies as powerful. He has gained a lot of knowledge since he was a child when he lived in Tlaxcala and his family has implanted traditional medicine. He even remembers that he drank temazcal at home and didn’t like bathing there. However, he recently finished building his own so that next year he will start offering this service in New York.

In July 2019 it was mentioned in the online Albuqueque Journal.

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During this preparation, he found that it was essential to apply traditional medicine in the United States. He stressed that one of his missions as a coach and healer is to help the Latin community not to disconnect from its roots. “As compatriots here in the United States, many don’t find the way forward. They live well and send money to relatives, but there is something that keeps them tied up or reduced to slavery ”.

“Many people are in this quest. As soon as you break the pattern that you have everything here, that you are white, that you are trying to adjust to white life and its speed, you can find your way. They are far from the origin, from the roots, they forget and this creates a more difficult path to understand. I say why it happened to me, I speak from experience and about the people I met on the street ”.

But it’s not just Latinos who seek the help of Armando Cuatianquiz. Many Americans are also his customers. Among them are yoga teachers, people addicted to acupuncture and reiki, but also the general public.

It is very gratifying for him to be able to bring the Latin community together with the Americans during his ceremonies. Understand that the thoughts of both cultures are very different. On the one hand, he points out that Latins are more emotional and Americans are more rational. However, coexistence through traditional medicine has generated a community based on empathy.

Armando Cuatianquiz is currently part of the University of New Mexico healer community. Place where he represented Tlaxcala and Mexico through traditional medicine.
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