Aries horoscope – Monday 23 November 2020 | Aries horoscopes


At some point, you would have a chance to distinguish what is convenient for you from what is not, you would be a little fed up, after someone insisted a lot that you help him without wanting to do anything for him.

Now that you understand what he means by you, it is time for the ruler of Pisces to dedicate you to wellness.
The way you have tried to solve everything in your environment is very interesting.

Don’t be upset if suddenly everything didn’t go as planned. Therefore, the rule of the Moon would make you have a good sense in yourself, letting everything be much more prosperous than before.

Forecast for the day: It is not really necessary that you fill yourself with various thoughts in order not to have prosperity. In other words, the more you think about the same problem, the fewer answers you will find in your environment.

You are feeling elated and full of vitality today, so choose a good environment where you can develop your skills, so that the sextile between the Sun and Saturn fills you with good vibrations.

You are truly blessed, the love of your family is seen as one of the best for you, that is, you have everything in good energy so that you do not miss anything about love.

It is time to receive good Pisces energy, because love can breathe well-being for you today and always. Bad thoughts would surely dissipate.


You must be sure that the moment you want to undertake something, everything will be given to you prosperously. So have no doubts that things are much better for you in terms of health.

Especially if you consume organic and healthier products than some products on the market. You could look for a vegetarian shop, where you can find the right thing for your diet.

You have everything possible on your side so that no one stops you from doing what you want to do today. it is better that things go well as soon as possible.

That is why you have number two in regency which would give you the opportunity to feel that luck is coming for you. In this sense, be sure to sprinkle some brandy or rum at the entrance to your business or home, in order to release bad energy.

Now that you have the opportunity, talk to the people you work with about how excited you are to move forward with a new project.

Once that is done, you would let the Pisces influence give you the intelligence to make everything much better for you as soon as possible. Don’t let anyone interrupt your path.


Torque forecast for today Monday
If you are in couple: End what you started with your partner, so that love and commitment shine.
If you are single: it is time and time to receive love.
Sexual energy level: Moderate.

Love: Cancer or water signs.
Friendship: Leo or fire signs.
Hard and tiring work: Taurus or earth signs.

Tolerance level: Moderate.
Who you might get in tension with: you’d be better off, away from a Libra.


Special with Jaime Maussan

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