Apple Watch heart rate monitoring saves you another life


Smartwatches and other “wearables” are increasingly in fashion. In addition to the hours and calendar, these wrist computers monitor users’ vital signs. Apple Watch, while not the only one, is the most widespread when it comes to technologies dedicated to taking care of the well-being and health of those who use them.

Once again this Apple device is referenced for saving the life of a young American.

Image of Apple Watch 6

Apple Watch warns of a high heart rate

The heart rate monitoring functions of the Apple Watch once again save a life. According to 24 News, Zachary Zies, 25, was alerted by his watch that his frequency the resting heart rate was 210 beats per minute.

As explained, Zies, a recent graduate of Ohio State University, has been battling Friedreich's ataxia since high school.

Friedreich's ataxia is a neurodegenerative disease that leads to a lack of muscle coordination that makes voluntary movement difficult.

After Apple's smartwatch warned of a high heart rate, the young man was hospitalized and underwent cardiac ablation to correct the supraventricular arrhythmia.

After this procedure, Zies' heart rate returned to normal and the young man claims that his Apple Watch saved his life.

As we know, Apple Watch allows us to set a "high heart rate" notification threshold. Once set, the watch will send a notification to push when a heart rate above this limit is detected during a 10 minute period of inactivity.

How you can customize the heart rate alerts on your Apple Watch:

  1. On iPhone, open the Watch application;
  2. Click on the Heart option;
  3. Go to the Fast Heart Rate option and set a BPM;
  4. Also go to Slow Heart Rate and set a BPM.

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