Apple iOS 14.2.1 released, these bugs have been fixed


Apple hat iOS 14.2.1 released. At the moment the version is only available for the new iPhone 12. According to Apple, iOS 14.2.1 fixes the following problems for the iPhone: some MMS messages could not be received, it should work correctly again. Hearing aids with the Made for iPhone logo may experience audio quality issues when listening to audio on iPhone. Also, it is said that the issue has been fixed where the lock screen may become unresponsive on iPhone 12 mini. To be installed immediately.

Apple MagSafe charger

Compatible with iPhone 12 mini, iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max; Faster wireless charging with magnetic alignment

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Apple AirPods Pro

Active noise cancellation for immersive sound; Transparency mode to listen to your surroundings and to be able to react to them

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