The first brick of the national vaccination strategy has been laid. On Monday, the High Authority for Health (HAS), an independent body of the executive, issued its recommendations on priority populations for accessing Covid-19 vaccines. IS “probably” early 2021. A plan drawn up blindly, due to the lack of precise data on the characteristics of these vaccines, but essential to ensure rapid deployment and above all to avoid a deleterious disaster. Because in this operation full of unknowns there is a certainty: at the beginning there will not be enough doses for everyone. Not even to satisfy 41% of French who, according to an Ifop survey, are ready to be vaccinated. Hence the urgency for HAS to define a clear order of passage: “The common thread of prioritization is to protect vulnerable people and those who care for them”, indicates its president, Professor Dominique Le Guludec. Access should therefore take place gradually
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