Answers to your questions about face masks


Answers to your questions about face masks

(HealthDay): Face masks are a key tool in the fight against the coronavirus, but many people are wondering if it is safe to wear a mask for an extended period. Some also wonder if a mask can limit oxygen intake or cause a buildup of carbon dioxide.

“As a pulmonologist, I can assure you that for most people wearing a mask is safe,” said Dr. Daniel Dilling, an intensive care medicine specialist at Loyola University Medical Center in Maywood, Illinois.

“I wear a mask every day. Most masks do not limit the amount of air you breathe, nor do they decrease your body’s ability to fight COVID-19,” Dilling said in a Loyola news release.

“Most importantly, the masks work,” Dilling added. “COVID-19 is known to spread from person to person, mainly via saliva droplets or sprays. A mask limits the amount of coronavirus droplets transmitted from you and protects you from the virus entering your nose or mouth.”

According to the American Lung Association, only a 50% reduction in viral transmission can limit exposure to the disease and the potential for severe symptoms.

Cloth masks are very effective if they have two or more layers of washable and breathable fabric and completely cover the nose and mouth and fit snugly to the side of the face with no gaps. A cloth mask shouldn’t be so thick that it makes breathing discomfort, the pulmonary association says.

Disposable paper masks are also effective in reducing the spread of respiratory droplets, Dilling said.

Surgical masks can be worn once or twice before disposal. Cloth masks should be washed “regularly,” Dilling said.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention does not recommend masks for children under the age of 2 “or anyone with breathing problems, whether unconscious, unable or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance.”

A mask can be worn “when walking on an indoor track or when doing low-intensity stretching or yoga forms indoors,” according to the CDC. Wearing a mask while running or other high-intensity exercise or physical activity can restrict airflow. If possible, these activities should be done outdoors during social distancing, the CDC says.

Additionally, the CDC discourages public use of N95 masks, intended for healthcare professionals. There is evidence that prolonged use of these masks by individuals with lung disease can cause a buildup of carbon dioxide.

“Masks with exhalation valves or vents are also not recommended as they allow air and respiratory particles to escape, putting those around you at risk,” Dilling said.

“It’s not always known when someone has been infected with the COVID-19 coronavirus,” Dilling said. “Wearing an appropriate mask that covers your nose and mouth properly helps decrease the spread and impact of COVID-19. It protects you and those around you from catching and experiencing severe symptoms of this potentially deadly disease.”

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More information:
For more information on wearing a mask, go to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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Quote: Answers to Your Questions About Facial Masks (2020, November 17) retrieved November 17, 2020 from

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