Annemarie Eilfeld and Tim Sandt react to “Bachelor” separation


Updated November 18, 2020, 12:25 pm

The separation of the “Bachelor” couple Andrej Mangold and Jennifer Lange was a surprise for the audience. But also for the former roommates of Andrej and Jennifer of the “summer house of the stars”?

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With a participation in “The summer house of the stars” I like it alot Money and attention wave – but much more important things threaten to get lost. Some candidates of the Trash formats Experience. In person Ex- “Bachelor” Andrej Mangold was to be the first impeccable reputation and meanwhile his too Relative to Jennifer Lange.

Over the weekend, the couple had hers on Instagram Separation announced. Lange wrote, among other things: “From now on we will go different ways. I’m very thankful for the timethat we lived together and we wish him from the bottom of our hearts all the best for his future. ” reasons for the separation the two have not made it public.

For Mangold’s favorite “summer house” enemy and runner-up in his “Bachelor” season, Eva Benetatou, actually one Come down forward. But so far he hasn’t used it. At the request of the spot on news news agency, its management says Benetatou is doing it no declaration I want to give up.

Different Annemarie Eilfeld and his partner Tim Sandt. They were also in 2020 Apply for the RTL show and now he has spoken. The transmitter RTL they said they were separated from Mangold and Lange “very surprised” state.

In the “summer house” they were still “a strong team”

“I have it with it not counted at all“said the precedent DSDS candidate. “For me, when I met her, the two were one strong team, one strong couple. “Sandt agreed with the singer. He did too “never expected”. “Very sad and a pity,” he commented Love out of the supposed “bachelor” dream couple.

The question of what Mangold and Lange will look like go ahead, Eilfeld and Sandt did not want to answer. “Both the two leaves as friends, I can not judge. I don’t want to judge either, “the 29-year-old said.

It means itself do not interfere in strange relationship issuesbut I hope “that the two remain friends and that this can work”. “I would like to obviously also want“Eilfeld said in conclusion, but such a thing could not have been foreseen.
© 1 & 1 Mail & Media / news spot

Andrej Mangold and his girlfriend Jennifer Lange took part in the “Summer House of the Stars”. Now they are talking about their time in the house – at least a little. Preview: © RTL Television

Teaserbild: © images imago / Future Image / C. Hardt


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