Andrej Mangold (Sommerhaus der Stars / RTL): Oliver and Amira Pocher brag about inside love-off information


The couple from the “summer house of the stars” Andrej Mangold and Jennifer Lange have just announced the end of their relationship. Now she shows up with this famous singer for dinner.

Update from November 23, 2:20 pm: Andrej and Jennifer have broken up – and those who break up must (sadly) expect many people and media to interfere in the previous relationship: so too Amira and Oliver Pocher. In their latest podcast episode, the Love out spoken by the bachelor couple – even talking about the important ones Privileged information to have. “We have inside information”, so Amira. Oliver concludes the sentence and informs the audience that the crisis has been in crisis for a long time: “Well, there are people in ‘Sommerhaus‘who say that in the’ summer house ‘it already seemed that there was only one Relationship with the public it was and no more. “They don’t reveal who the two got this inside information from. The 42-year-old is tough as he ponders Jennifer Lange’s future. He doesn’t let her hair down:” What should Jenny do? Her life before wasn’t spectacular. It’s just through that. Short degree known become and yours Zumba lessons it doesn’t matter at all, “says Pocher.

Of his hobby and passion like Zumba teacher even the comedian is shocked: “She’s not even great, but she always thinks she’s a Brazilian Zumbaqueen!” Oops, someone really let it out. Be it Jenny or Andrej sul Podcast episode and report the alleged accusations?

Update from November 22, 5:51 pm: With his latest post on Instagram Former graduate Andrej Mangold for speculation. Recently, the couple “Summer House of the Stars” Andrej Mangold and Jennifer Lange his Separation. But Mangold already has his heart back reassigned?

After the separation from Jennifer Lange: is Andrej Mangold in love again?

“Sometimes you see Changes first of all negative. But you will soon find that they only create space in your life so that something new can arise, something wonderful. ”With these words Mangold titled his latest post on Instagram. In the photo you can see the former bachelor sitting on a ladder. Satisfied – and a bit of a dreamer – he looks into the camera.

“I thank all of you for your messages in which you have given me your support, strength, confidence and positive energy on my further journey,” he continues. With his Instagram post leaves Andrej Mangold no doubt: the new Single look ahead, his ex girlfriend doesn’t seem to cry. Could it be because he’s in love again?

“… so that something new can be born, something wonderful.” Be the former bachelor with these words from his post Singer Lafee means? (See first report of November 19.) A few days ago Mangold met the singer to cook. It is not yet known if and what exactly is going on between the two. But one thing is certain: even if that “Summer house of the stars” it’s over – with Andrej Mangold it will certainly remain exciting.

Original article from November 19:

Cologne – The “Summer house of the stars“-Participants Andrej Mangold and Jennifer Lange note their separation. They both posted an exciting text on this under one Instagram post. The actual reason for the separation remains open.

Andrej Mangold cooks with Lafee

Now he is posting Former graduate but already another woman in her story. And that well-known singer “Lafee”! Christina Klein, as the singer is actually called, prepares a delicious Surf & Turf dish together with Andrej Mangold. Spicy: probably made the two famous his ex-girlfriend Jennifer Lange. The two often post hearts in the comments of their Instagram posts and appear to be very close. Lafee and Jennifer Lange met Club holiday in Spain. At the time the brunette was thrilled: “I’m just saying crack! Let’s take a run around with the sacks ”.

Lafee: “yesterday in bed very early”

Andrej Mangold’s Instagram story republishes “Lafee”, which he only calls “Tina”, even for her. In it, the singer says “everything to me” with a cheeky laugh as she puts a delicious portion on her plate. “Lafee” has 53.2k subscribers on his account. The next day greets his The producer Christian Geller in a good mood In the studio. The singer was for new songs back in the recording studio. When he arrives, the producer is surprised to be on time and asks, “Have you ever been Early to bed last evening? To which Christina Klein replies: “Last night I was in bed very early, yes, that’s it.” So the evening together didn’t seem to last long.

Lafee cooks for Andrej Mangold.

© Instagram Screenshot / @dregold

The manufacturer is a famous acquaintance

Though the manufacturer Many people may not know him, but he is one of the greats: he is behind the songs of Giovanni Zarrella and he also produced the new Duettalbum by Thomas Anders and Florian Silbereisen. So we can expect new songs from “Lafee” soon.(jh)

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