“Andreea Esca lied.” Dan Bittman, MADE DUST by Catinca Roman: HATEFUL! HE IS DESPERATE


Catinca Roman dusted off Dan Bittman, after statements about COVID-19.

Dan Bittman was heavily criticized after controversial statements about COVID-19. This time around, Catinca Roman was the one who sent her a harsh message, despite the fact that they were once friends.

Well, Oana Roman’s sister got mad after Dan Bittman accused Andreea Esca of lying about her and her family having COVID-19.

“What if I thought Andreea Esca staged her illness? I think so! I don’t think there’s anything real there. That’s my opinion!” Dan Bittman said.

Here is Catinca Roman’s reaction. “Bad surprise”

“For me, Bittman is a bad surprise, I can even tell a bad joke! I can’t believe what he does and especially what he says! You cannot make such claims about Andreea Esca. I find it disgusting what this man does for money. I understand, he is used to a lot of money, even a lot and now he desperately needs to get poor. Not to mention, now the man has lost his PSD finances, because he sang for them in the election campaign. From there he got the big money. I am outraged by what he is doing and will tell him in front of me when I see him!

I don’t take this virus thing lightly. I have had cases among my friends too. In isolation, for me, it was not a problem, I feel good being alone, I am more homely, I read a lot. At first I was overdone, disinfected all purchases with alcohol, fruit, even from stores. I wore the mask from the start. I’m interested in wearing the mask, I don’t think it’s bad luck. Since I’ve been to Paris, Asians have been wearing masks in cold weather to protect them from viruses, and that was a few years ago. So I don’t know why we pack so much with this mask. I prepare the vaccine. And me and my daughter, Calina. I gave them all the vaccines. They say we are guinea pigs, yes and no. Many have worked for a vaccine, the technology is advanced, I believe that in ordinary people the vaccine will not have serious side effects “, said Catinca Roman, for playtech.ro.


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