an ornaise association has developed an olfactory rehabilitation protocol


Since last spring and since the appearance of the first cases of Covid-19 in France, the “Anosmie” association has been in great demand. Created by an Ornais, Jean-Michel Maillard, he developed a olfactory rehabilitation protocol with a CNRS researcher, specialist in neuroscience, Hirac Gurden. A free, open access protocol that has been downloaded specifically since March. “Over 40,000 downloads” specifies the founder of the association, translated in particular into English and Spanish. It is now used by general practitioners, otolaryngologists and speech therapists.

It was following an accident that Jean-Michel Maillard completely lost his sense of smell. “I discovered the smell when I lost it, testifies the founder of the association. This sense is permanently involved in your daily life, you are urged from morning to evening by the smell of coffee, by the glue stick that reminds us of CP, by the smell of your loved ones … “ Suffering from anosmia, the name of this disease, the Ornais soon realized that the medical community provided few answers. “We do not blame the specialists, because there is no solution. But that’s why I created the association to make everyone understand the usefulness of this meaning every day in the land of gastronomy, sensuality and perfume.”

Daily work with essential oils

If there are no medical solutions, Jean-Michel Maillard calls for better patient care, with consequences in particular on morale. So to better support them, after carrying out research on the subject, he developed a protocol for the re-education of the sense of smell. “We use six essential oils: lemon, clove, eucalyptus, rose, peppermint and coffee bean. You will blindly try to detect odors in the morning and in the evening for five minutes. Do it for twelve weeks.” And that was a saving for Jean-Michel Maillard who says he found ten smells.

“I don’t like eating anymore.”

As the year-end celebrations approach and family meals approach, Jean-Michel Maillard gives a strong testimony: “Taste is largely made up of smell. So when you suffer from anosmia, one has the impression of eating sweet cardboard, salt cardboard, acid cardboard, bitter cardboard. We retain the five flavors, along with umami, which come from the taste buds. But obviously the meal is another proof “.

“But we have to continue sharing meals with the family.”

“Now we have to continue sharing meals. We eat for fun at the table. We eat because we have to eat, our stomach asks even if we no longer want to eat. But eating is also sharing with loved ones. And then, even if things are bad at the moment, we have to keep going to restaurants. Enjoy the atmosphere with friends and family “.

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