An American study: Corona patients with blood pressure and diabetes are at risk for stroke


The researchers revealed that some Coronavirus patients are at greater risk of developing neurological complications such as bleeding in the brain and stroke, adding that these potentially life-threatening findings were more common in patients with hypertension and diabetes..

The corona-causing virus attacks cells in the respiratory system first and often leads to inflammation of the lungs, which puts people at risk of developing pneumonia, but the virus’s effect has also been felt in other systems of the body, according to a newspaper article. TIME NOW NEWS.

The study’s lead author said Colbey W Freeman From the University of Pennsylvania in the United States: “The effects of Corona extend far beyond the chestFreeman added: “Although complications in the brain are rare, they are a growing and devastating consequence of coronal infection “.

To find out more about this phenomenon, the research team looked at Corona patients who underwent head computed tomography and MRI in their healthcare system over a 4-month period, among the 1357 patients with Corona who were placed in the system in those four months, 81 brain scans were performed..

The most common causes of brain scans were altered mental status and focal neurological defects such as speech and vision problems.

Of the 81 patients undergoing brain scans, 18, or slightly more than one in five, had outcomes considered to be an emergency or critical condition, including stroke, cerebral haemorrhage, and vascular blockages, at least half of the patients had a previous history of hypertension. Blood and type 2 diabetes: Three patients with critical emergencies died during hospitalization.

Freeman said, “Coronavirus is associated with neurological manifestations and hypertension and type 2 diabetes are common in people who develop these characteristics.“This population may be at greater risk of developing neurological complications and should be closely monitored,” Freeman added“.

In the study, inflammatory markers in the blood were high in people with critical outcomes, and the study leader said, “When your body is in an inflammatory state, it produces all of these molecules called cytokines to help recruit the immune system to make his work”.“Unfortunately, if the cytokines are produced in excess, the immune response really starts to hurt,” the researcher noted.“.


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