Among them are “fish” .. These foods keep the liver healthy


The liver is one of the most important organs in the body, responsible for many important functions in the body, such as glucose production, detoxification and the digestion of carbohydrates. Which makes conservation very important.

Liver weakness leads to a number of diseases, most notably type 2 diabetes, but it can be protected and improved by consuming a wide range of foods and drinks. Revised by the following report, according to “WebTeb”.


Eating oats helps add fiber to our diet, knowing that eating them is important for digestion and also protects the liver.

And according to the “Medical News Today” website, which specializes in medical topics. Oats are rich in compounds called “beta glucans” which support the immune system, fight inflammation, fight diabetes and obesity, and protect the liver.

And in the study, the results of which were published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences. Beta-glucan reduced the amount of fat stored in the liver of the mice.

Green tea

A 2015 study published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology concluded that green tea helps reduce the overall lipid level. It fights oxidative stress and reduces other signs of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Oxidative stress is an imbalance in the system of oxidizing and antioxidant agents. The imbalance of systemic manifestations affected reactive oxygen species and the system’s ability to detoxify.

the garlic

Adding garlic to your diet stimulates liver work, according to a study published in the Journal of Advanced Biomedical Research in 2016. It also helps you lose weight and fat.


Grapefruit contains antioxidants that protect the liver by reducing inflammation. And it increases the enzymes that burn fat, preventing its accumulation.


Gastroenterologists recommend eating fish and oil-rich supplements as they help reduce the chances of developing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Fish is also rich in acids such as “omega-3”, which reduce inflammation and control liver enzyme levels.

olive oil

Olive oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which make it useful for reducing oxidative stress and improving liver function.


Nuts contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamin “E” and antioxidants. All of them positively affect the health of the liver, protecting it from inflammation and oxidative stress.

Doctors ask you to eat a handful of nuts a day, taking into account not to overdo it, given their high calorie content.

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