AMLO to the leaders of the G20


Photo: Twitter @lopezobrador_

At the virtual summit of G20 leaders, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador proposed to heads of state that COVID-19 vaccines, medical treatments and medicines should be free and universally accessible, according to El Heraldo de México.

“Health is a fundamental human right that the state must guarantee, leaving aside the motivation for profit, medical treatment, vaccines and medicines must be free and universally applicable, as established by the Mexican resolution approved at the UN, almost unanimously. , with 179 countries in favor, “he said.

In his message, the Mexican president said that to address the health and economic crisis, the rescue must be done from the bottom up, paying attention to those who need it most.

“The economic bailout must be done from the bottom up, first by helping the poor, and not by focusing government actions only on allocating public funds to failing companies or financial institutions, not by converting private debts into debt. public, avoiding debt and less if it is for the benefit of a few and at the expense of the suffering of many and of the new generations, ”he said.

López Obrador came out in favor of promoting healthy eating, exercise and sports to prevent diseases that increase the risk of disease.

He asked “to have more confidence in the responsibility of the people, to guarantee freedom in all circumstances and to abandon the temptation to impose authoritarian measures such as excessive imprisonment, curfews, nothing by force, all out of conviction and reason”. (THE HERALD OF MEXICO)

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