Aloe vera hair treatments


You can apply aloe vera to the hair ornament to protect it from the damaging action of chemicals in hairspray, gel or other hair styling products.

At the same time, aloe vera helps remove dandruff, soothes itchy scalp and has an antibacterial action. Plus, all you need is an aloe vera plant and you’ll get healing masks right at home, easy to make and inexpensive.

Read also A PLANT that you grow at home, in pots, MIRACULOUSLY Heals 100 DISEASES

Balsam din aloe vera

Instead of the chemical-based conditioner, you can moisturize your hair after bathing with a natural conditioner. Mix the aloe vera gel with honey and a little apple cider vinegar until smooth. Apply the conditioner on the hair, along the entire length of the lock, wait a few minutes and rinse. Eventually, the hair will be silky, shinier and full of vitality.

Rebellious hair mask

Is your hair electrified and you can’t fix your hair in the morning? Then you need a rebellious hair mask. Mix the aloe vera gel and water in equal quantities, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil and put it all in a spray bottle. Apply this mask in the morning, with a few sprays, before fixing your hair.

Also read 10 benefits of ALOE VERA for your health

Dry hair treatment

You feel your hair coarse to the touch and classic masks have not yet given results. Nothing easier! Take a thicker aloe vera leaf and cut it in half, lengthwise. Shave the gel from the leaves with a spoon and apply it on the hair, after washing and rinsing. Wrap your hair in a warm towel and wait 15 minutes before rinsing it. You will be amazed at how silky your hair will be after a few sessions.

Anti-dandruff treatment

The secret of this treatment is the application time, ie before shampooing. Aloe vera contains enzymes that remove dandruff because they have an antibacterial role. In addition, they keep the hair hydrated and the pH of the scalp balanced. Massage the scalp with aloe vera gel 10 minutes before applying the shampoo. Shampoo, rinse, then massage your scalp with a few drops of lemon juice mixed with aloe vera gel. After a few more minutes, wash again and rinse with warm, not hot water.

Apply the same treatment if you have oily hair, because aloe vera balances the level of sebum, it is useful when it comes to burns, dehydration of the skin or unpleasant breathing.

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