All these Xiaomi will receive Android 11 (the list is expanded)


Do you have a Xiaomi? Well now you can check in this filtered list if your mobile will soon update to Android 11 with the MIUI version 13 mask.

Last updated on 26/11/2020 at 08:01

For a few weeks, Android 11 has been free-wheeling in the Android catalog, albeit for now limited to very few devices from very few manufacturers, most of them signed up directly or sponsored by Google and their support behind the Android One or Android Go programs.

Right here we are monitoring all the phones that will receive Android 11, but this week those who cheer us on the ballot of the update is a Xiaomi which surprised the owners of their best-selling mobile phone last year, a Redmi Note 8 that will in fact receive MIUI 13 with the model “Pro” and a good additional list that was leaked earlier, including Redmi and Poco phones.

android 11 xiaomi

Xiaomi filters its ‘roadmap’ of updates to Android 11 … Will your mobile be updated?

Many different models, a prolific catalog almost impossible to summarize, but also many of the best-selling terminals globally, which makes Xiaomi change on the fly your plans to upgrade to new versions ‘greater’ from Android.

In fact, a Telegram channel specializing in news surrounding the Haidian giant, has released the latest image that it seems to show the file quite clearly Road map that Xiaomi manages to update your mobile catalog in the coming weeks and months a Android 11 with MIUI 13 customization, which is already underway in phase beta for many models.

Here you can check out the full list published on Telegram:

As you have seen sources say the list is 99% accurate, so you have to believe that all of these models will get Android 11 and that we own some of them we can go celebrate it while we bite our nails in anticipation.

Perhaps the most significant thing is indeed comment who will stay on Android 10 now forever, which are all the Xiaomi, Redmi or Poco that were launched with MIUI 9, in addition to the Redmi 8, Redmi 8A and 8A Dual together with the Redmi Note 7, 7S and 7 Pro … Not all of them would have been updated, of course!

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