All about Silvia Mitrache, competitor of X Factor


The new season of X Factor has revealed a less common character, Silivia Mitrache. At the age of 61, the woman managed to amaze the jury of the talent show broadcast by Antena 1. After her appearance everyone wanted to know everything about Silvia Mitrache, the X Factor competitor, who conquered the audience and the jury of the show.

All about Silvia Mitrache, the X Factor competitor who conquered the public

For the four jurors of the Antena 1 show, Silvia Mitrache’s appearance was amazing. A wealthy woman from her early youth who came to XFactor in a dress that was too bold for her age. Initially, Bănică, Delia, Loredana and Ristei thought they would be dealing with a competitor, for whom the mere appearance on TV meant the most. Only things weren’t quite like that. The contestant was not only an eccentric in her sixties, but a woman with a wonderful voice, an enviable vitality and above all an impressive life story.

Silvia Mitrache of X Factor is no stranger to the local show business. Although she has lived in Italy for nearly three decades, Silvia Mitrache was a professional singer. She sang with the most important names in Romanian music before the Revolution of December 1989. She herself said that she performed on the stages of the country with Mirabela Dauer, Margareta Pâslaru or Angela Similea.

All about Silvia Mitrache of X Factor
All about Silvia Mitrache of X Factor

Compared to her illustrious partner, Silvia Mitrache has not become so famous nationally. Then, after the regime change, X Factor’s Silvia Mitrache left the country and settled in Italy.

Three YES and a memory with Ștefan Bănică

Once on the X Factor stage, Silvia Mitrache recounted episodes from her life, one of which was linked to the Ștefan Bănică jury. The contestant shared how she met today’s Romanian music star. Silvia Mitrache would have sung in one of the places frequented at that time by Ștefan and his parents. Bănică remembered nothing of the XFactor contestant, but that didn’t stop her from joining the woman at the time of the performance in the Antena 1 show.

The jurors found out all about Silvia Mitrache from X Factor and were delighted to see that in addition to her life story, the contestant also has an enviable voice. For the way she sang, Silvia Mitrache received 3 “YES” from the show jury. The only one who did not vote in favor was Florin Ristei.

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