“Al-Gharbia Health”: preventive medicine teams deployed in Panjerj after Muhammad Salah was injured



Friday 13 November 2020

Gharbia – Marwa Shaheen:

Dr. Abdel Nasser Hamida, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health in Al Gharbia, confirmed that tomorrow, Saturday, a committee of surveillance and preventive medicine teams will be sent to the village of Najrij, affiliated with Basion, hometown of international player Mohamed Salah to make tampons.

The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health indicated that the commission will conduct a full investigation into all contacts of the family, relatives and people of the village of Mohamed Salah, present during the joy of his brother in Cairo earlier last week, after the announcement of the infection of the Liverpool player and the Egyptian team with the Corona virus.

The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health in Al-Gharbia added that if the symptoms are detected through the commission that will conduct a contact investigation, each case will be evaluated according to the symptoms and the extent of the need for transfer or not to isolation hospital, with continuous follow-up of the village in the next period.


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